Welcome to my humble nest!

Oh, Hello!

My name is Hà Nguyễn. I come from Hanoi, Vietnam. During my 8 years as an expat in the US, I started as a student then moved on to work in higher education. I am a highly driven individual with strong work ethics wanting to create clean, practical and intuitive applications. I am an excellent team player bolstered by my great interpersonal skills and my ability to adapt and solve problems.

Oh, I also have enormous love for food, dogs, music, concerts and humans.

What I do... Or my Portfolio

Hey! Please check out some of my projects that I get to do on my own or with my friends!

Solo Projects

Check out some of the projects I have worked on by myself!
Password Generator

An application that generates a random password based on user-selected criteria. This app will run in the browser and feature dynamically updated HTML and CSS powered by your JavaScript code.

Curb Your Enthusiasm Quiz

This is an application that generates timed-code quiz with multiple-choice questions. This app will run in the browser and feature dynamically updated HTML and CSS powered by your JavaScript code.

Technologies used: JavaScript, Moment.js, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

My Calendar

This is a simple calendar application I created for myself so that I could keep track of my schedule, meetings and event at work. My calendar represents my 9-5 working hour and it helps me to manage my time effectively.

Technologies used: Moment.js, JavaScript, Bootstrap, HTLM, CSS

Burger for Life!

Burger for Life! is a restaurant app that lets users put in the names of burgers they'd like to eat as well as create new ones.

Technologies used: MySQL, Node, Express, Handlebars

Group Projects

I learned a lot by collaborating with other web developers!

sharkFin is a website application that allows the user to search and track stocks based on their company name! The user can then add the specific stock and choose the amount of shares to add to their portfolio.

Technologies used: MaterializeCSS, JavaScript, Chart.js, API


This is an application that connects professionals with similar interests and skill sets so that they can work together, discover new opportunities and grow their network.

We are inspired by the unfortunate global pandemic (Covid-19), where many people are in lockdown mode and still have the need of connecting and working with other humans.

Technologies used: Node.js, MySQL, Express, Handlebars, MaterializeCSS


This is an application that allows user to search for a place of interest to travel to.

It also provides information, activities for that location and you can save them for future reference.

Technologies used: Material UI, React, MongoDB, Passport.js

Let's Get in Touch
